Friday, December 8, 2023

A00056 - In Praise of Omar


On Saturday, November 11, I took my sister to see the relatively new, Pulitzer Prize winning opera entitled "Omar".

Before the singing even began, the show in the hallways was the most unique in my brief five-year history of attending the San Francisco Opera.  What was so unique was the large presence of African Americans in the halls and even more impressively the large number of Muslims.  I can tell you that those who believe the hijab to be a rather drab piece of clothing would have been startled by vibrant colors being worn by the Muslim women on this night.  I do not know if the display of high fashion was intended to do so, but many of the women were simply stunning.

As for the opera, "Omar" itself is a stunning opera. Focusing on the spirituality and Muslim faithfulness of Omar ibn Said

this opera sends a powerful message about Allah, and the enduring faith that sustained one man over a lifetime of trauma, turmoil and slavery. 

In the end, as I, and, almost everyone else, stood in rapt awe at the power of the performances and enthusiastically yelled "Bravo" to the bowing cast members. I began to revise my list of my favorite operas.  Move over, Madame Butterfly.  Move over for Omar.


Everett "Skip" Jenkins
Manila, Philippines
November 14, 2023  

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